
The University of Tokyo


Kajihara group launched on April 1, 2012.
Our group work at the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo.
We also belong to the Department of Precision Engineering.

Our main research topics are
・Jointing manufacturing
・THz microscopy

Our group is always open to visitors.
TEL: E-mail: kajihara@@@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp (please remove 2 of @)

Last updated, April 29, 2024.

REcent topics

Yamamoto-san, Mei-kun, and Wang Y kun joined our group. Also Luo-san will join us soon. Please enjoy the lab days.
March 21, 2024
Wang-kun got a PhD degree, Ofusa-kun and Sugimura-kun got master degrees. Congtratulations for the graduations.
Dec. 1, 2023
Zhou-kun won a best presentation award in JSPE meeting and Ofusa-kun won a poster award in JSPP meeting. Congratulations !
Oct. 1, 2023
We had a two-day trip to Ikaho as a Lab. camp in Sep. 30 and Oct. 1. Arrangement by Sugimura-kun and Ofusa-kun is fully appreciated.
Sep. 20, 2023
Ofusa-kun, Sugimura-kun, and Sakuma-san (OG) participated in ISMTII2023 held in Seoul (Korea) and gave oral presentations.

April 1, 2023
Ishida-san (senior researcher), Ishioka-san (researcher), and Ren-kun (D1) joined our group. Also Cui-kun became an M1 students.
April 1, 2023
Kajihara is promoted to a professor. Many thanks for all supports by lab members.
March 23, 2023
Chen-kun, Sakuma-san, and Kurita-san received PhD after passing the Dr defense. Also Tanakau-kun and Nagai-kun completed master's degrees. Lin-san and Sato-san leave our group at the end of March.
Nov. 30, 2022
Kimura-san won the paper award from Smart Processig Society. Tanaka-kun won the advanced best presentation award in JSPE autumn meeting. Also Lin-san and Sakuma-san won best paper awards, and Nagai-kun won the young researcher award in ICPE meeting. All congratulations!!
Oct. 1, 2022
Tang-kun and Zhou-kun joined our group as M1 students.
June 20, 2022
Sakuma-san won Young Scientist Presentation Award from Japan Society of Applied physics. Tanaka-kun and Ofusa-kun (work at Kunieda lab) won Best Presentation Awards from Japan Society for Precision Engineering. Congratulations !!
June 16, 2022
Sakuma-san gave an oral presentation at euspen onlie. Chen-kun, Kurita-san, and Wang-kun gave oral/poster presentations at JSPE annual meeting at Funabori.
April 15, 2022
Kimura-san, Kurita-san, Chen-kun, and Wang-kun gave presenations at PPS 37 meeting held at Fukuoka. Kimura-san's talk was selected as a keynote speech.
April 1, 2022
Ofusa-kun and Sugimura-kun joined our group. We also celebrate the 10th anniversary of our group.
March 24, 2022
Shinomiya-kun and Takemoto-kun completed their Master's degrees.
March 23, 2022
Lin-san and Sakuma-san gave talks at JSAP spring meeting while Chang-kun, Nagai-kun, and Tanaka-kun gave presentations at JSPE spring meeting.
Oct. 1, 2021
Cui-kun joined our group as a reserch student.
Sep. 24, 2021
Liu-san and Chang-kun completed their master's degrees.
Sep. 23, 2021
Lin-san gave a talk at JSAP autumn meeting and Chen-kun, Sakuma-san, Shinomiya-kun and Takemoto-kun gave presentations at JSPE autumn meeting. Sakuma-san won an advanced presentation award. Congratulations!!
April 1, 2021
Tanaka-kun and Nagai-kun joined our group as M1 students, and Wang-kun went on to the Dr course. Also Machida-kun joined as a reseach student.
March 19, 2021
Takeuchi-kun, Nakajima-san, Zhang-kun, and Wang-kun completed their master courses. Zhao-kun won the Dean award for his PhD study. All congratulations !!

March 19, 2021
Lin-san and Sakuma-san gave online talks at JSAP, and Zhao-san, Wang-kun, Liu-san, Takemoto-kun, and Shinomiya-kun gave online presentations at JSPE. Also Chang-kun gave a online presentation at Mate.

Dec. 9, 2020
Our Department and Research Center held a hybrid (off/online) workshop, "Future-Oriented Injection Molding Technologies" and 354 related reseachers joined the event.

Dec. 2, 2020
Wang-kun and Takeuchi-kun gave online presentations at JSPP autumn meeting. Takeuchi-kun won a "Poster Award". Congratulations !

Nov. 27, 2020
Chen-kun, Sakuma-san, Wang-kun, Nakajima-san, and Zhang-kun gave online presentations at 18th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2020). Sakuma-san won a "Young Researcher Award". Congratulations !

Nov. 25, 2020
Lin-san and Sakuma-san gave a keynote speech and an oral presentation, respectively, at IRMMW-THz 2020 online meeting.

Sep. 25, 2020
Zhao-kun passed the Dr defense and got the doctoral degree. Congratulations!

Sep. 11, 2020
Zhao-kun, Chen-kun, Nakajima-san, Zhang-kun, Takeuchi-kun, Liu-san, and Chang-kun gave presentations at JSPE online meeting, and Lin-san and Sakuma-san gave presentations at JSAP online meeting. Chen-kunwon a "Best presentation award". Congratulations!

June 11, 2020
Kimra-san, Zhao-kun, and Sakuma-san gave online presentations at euspen virtual conference.

Publication - Kajihara Group